Unreliable Narrations
2007: DVD Projection
Unreliable Narrations
Unreliable Narrations is a 12 minute video which scrolls the entire first chapter of James Joyces Ulysses in which all the vowels have been censored. The work is a comment on the stifling and damaging effect of copyright and the corporate enforcement of intellectual property on contemporary culture. By censoring the vowels the work circumvents the defacto ban on public displays of Joyce's work enforced by the Joyce estate but in the process removes all meaning from the text transforming it into a puzzle which the public are invited to solve. The work is shown as a projection in public spaces.

IGVFest, Dublin 2009.
Screenshow, Temple Bar Dublin 2007.
EV+A 2007, Limerick.
Screenshow, Wexford Arts Centre 2007.

Fucked? Writing the City
Unreliable Narrations projected in Meeting House Square,
Temple Bar Dublin, click to enlarge

Unreliable Narrations:IGVFest Dublin, 19/2/2009 in the Dublin City Council's Open Spaces program